
Z Jabber.cz Wiki
Verze z 13. 3. 2015, 09:47, kterou vytvořil Roseemily51 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Nová sekce How We Build Muscle Faster)

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To není dobrý způsob - zvláště když v názvu stránky budou znaky s diakritikou (zvlášť znaky jako š a ž). MaT 00:49, 27. 2. 2006 (CET)

Proc ne? MediaWiki to zvladne. Az ze bude URL necitelne? Mno... stroje by se mely prizpusobovat lidem, ne naopak.-- 23:16, 7. 8. 2006 (CEST)
nic zle: nechcel som nic zle iba som ulahcoval zivot slovakom :)


cmucham cmucham a kasino nikde? :)

Kasino by mělo fungovat, viz blog autora --MiK 22:25, 21. 8. 2006 (CEST)

How We Build Muscle Faster

Got a little shoulder see you're going to be today place your shoulders is really doing shoulder from raises you always want to have a slightly in Fort his gun accomplish two things: first thing is going to place more load on the muscle investor you get more growth out over and Power Pro Muscle to not Power Pro Muscle just have mislead me lean forward really want to focus on reaching forward so almost right pitch or you trying to reach the upper class you seek I'll do it perfectly here is leaning forward enough to keep a low there is also not use the momentum to achieve the way up you see 'me over emphasizing.
